Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Nothing but Wheat

Well its been over a month since I posted because there really hasn't been any progress on the house. The interior doors are there and they have swept up the floors but that's it. I hope they get started soon because the clock is ticking.
In the mean time I surprised Wendy and bought her a Haywood Wakefield Desk for her birthday. She has been wanting a Desk to paint at and I stumbled on a great buy. After seeing her new desk we decided to go to Room Service to see what they had and they just happened to have a Haywood Wakefield butterfly table and 5 chairs. We bought it - major dream come true as I have been drooling over this table for 10 years. At first we denied the matching hutch and buffet but after some discussion we realized how stupid it would be to not bring it home as well. The kicker was the bubble glass in the hutch that is in perfect shape. So now we are on the downhill slide of a house full of Haywood Wakefield and that's not a bad thing.